
The Journey Begins

In starting this passion project, I discovered the ancient practice of baking mylloi. 

Mylloi cakes were made of honey and sesame, formed into the shape of a woman’s vulva. Though the tradition varies, it is believed these cakes were baked to celebrate women, to honor the goddesses. My jaw dropped – Honeyseed was born.

For years I’ve had the dream of creating a necklace to honor the force that is women. My personal experience with amazing women’s health advocates led me on this journey. Please note that Honeyseeds are created to honor the Goddesses in our lives – in all their forms, shapes, sizes, colors and moods. It is not limited to being born with certain body parts or belonging to a particular segment of the population.

Part of my inspiration comes from an unlikely source – bumper stickers!! I always thought it was so funny how loud and proud folks rock bumper stickers. From intense political slogans to “I brake for interesting cloud formations”, we love to portray our personalities on our cars! Then upon exiting, our most important vehicle – our bodies! – do not always give so much insight into our feelings, passions and beliefs. Partially inspired by how much of a dick the 45th president of the United States is, I felt compelled to create a design that inspires the wearer, provokes thought in others, and shows without a doubt your respect to the magical beings that identify as female. One look at your bling, and folks know what you’re about.

My personal journey with women’s rights initiatives showed me the importance of fundraising. Having served non-profit organizations, I grew disheartened about how much incredible work ultimately revolves down to fundraising. Money doesn’t just talk, it roars. I want my Honeyseed pieces to not only provide a symbol that emboldens the wearer but also works to raise funds for organizations that advocate for the rights of all humans. A portion of each Honeyseed purchase goes towards women’s rights initiatives as well as Black lives justice organizations – I believe we as a society cannot move forwards without working towards paying the retributions to the Black community. Feminism as a movement and effort needs to recognize and address the issues that face Black and LGBTQ women. The organizations rotate quarterly. Please reach out if you have one you recommend me looking into! Some necklaces, such as the Marsha, offer an additional donation.

At the end of the day, while jewelry is beautiful, I want it to mean something. Whenever I wear my Honeyseed, I feel more confident, more grounded, more sure of the path I am on. It would be a dream to see women, men, & non-binary folks everywhere rocking a uterus to show they stand with equality, for all. One of my most cherished outcomes of Honeyseed is hearing how folks connect with the pieces. We are all so unique, our paths have looked so different. Let’s honor that. 

Thank you for being here and reading my mind rambles.

Warm and fuzzies,
